Meet The Passionate Team behind Darrebni

Explore the stories of our founders, the passionate individuals behind Darrebni’s mission.

Founded by Sarah Al Banna, Solaima and Samera Tarabay

Samera Bannah from Darrebni Solaima Bannah from Darrebni Sarah from Darrebni

Darrebni is more than just an online platform - it's a movement aimed at democratizing learning for everyone, irrespective of their social or economic background.

Our team is united by the belief that education has the power to transform lives and shape futures.
Darrebni is not just providing educational opportunities; we are creating a community where learners can grow, thrive, and succeed.

Join Darrebni’s Mission

Discover the team transforming education and see how you can make a difference. Together, we're shaping the future, one learner at a time.

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Darrebni TeamDarrebni Team

About Us

Welcome to Darrebni, where learning evolves. We’re not just a platform; we’re a community focused on inspiring growth and passion.
Our programs transform and empower you to excel.

We don't just fill knowledge gaps - we bridge them.

Our Story: It is one of shared passion.

It started with us exploring academia and discovering our passion for learning and community.  We saw firsthand how education, when combined with collaboration, can drive real transformation.

This inspired us to create Darrebni—a space where transformative learning and community are accessible to all, empowering learners like you.

fuelled by diverse backgrounds in law, business administration, accounting, and social work.

Sarah Bannah from Darrebni

Sarah, COO with dynamic entrepreneurial spirit and a keen understanding of law, ensures that all operations run smoothly.

Solaima Bannah from Darrebni

Solaima, CEO armed with business acumen and deep-rooted belief in ethical practices, steers the strategic decisions.

Samera Bannah from Darrebni

Samera, with compassionate approach to social work and commitment to reaching out guides the social initiatives.

We bring our diverse expertise together to offer you top-notch, accessible learning. Our goal is to enhance your skills, and support your growth, all within a community that values both education and connection.

Our story isn't just about us—it's about you too.

We're all part of a larger narrative of shared growth and success.
Join us as we continue to write this exciting story together.

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Darrebni Team

Our Mission:

Our mission is threefold: empower individuals with accessible learning, bridge knowledge gaps between users and businesses, and build a connected, thriving community.

Our Vision:

We aim to be the leading global platform connecting learners, trainers, and businesses. We envision vibrant sector-specific communities that drive collaboration and innovation.

Darrebni Team
Darrebni Logo

We're not just about learning. we're about creating connections, sparking innovation, and transforming lives.

Join us as we continue to write this exciting story together

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